Eve - Mass Effect

This quote ble lagt til av smc792
The genophage forces us to live on hope alone. There is nothing else. There is no reason to exist other than the hope that the next day will bring change. And if it doesn't... there is always the next.

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jiggalee 155.73 98.5%
user381085 124.22 96.6%
alliekarakosta 120.50 97.6%
npabs 111.26 98.0%
cholloway526 107.95 100%
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rkoh 106.36 98.5%
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baluze 61.10 96.6%
avattavada 104.80 100%
magesh 105.12 97.1%
avattavada 97.66 95.7%
clickclackm00 74.94 86.3%
user100406 67.00 93.1%
jiggalee 155.73 98.5%
user108790 33.12 91.0%