Vote down the irritating quotes please - Beanalog

This quote ble lagt til av beanalog
I guess I am normal in that I don't like - and will pass by with the escape button quickly - any quote on Keyhero which includes either numbers, names, non-standard words, or lots of quote-marks or elipsis. These elements are not worth practicing, and they are just flat out irritating. I vote them down; I hope you do too.

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colincastle1234 102.32 96.1%
kicko 100.65 95.8%
noobplayer 95.53 95.3%
user107966 93.36 97.9%
cheetah 91.93 96.1%
micklepru 91.01 97.6%
petrolfume 87.87 93.4%
user108043 85.85 92.4%
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kiruha87 81.79 97.3%

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user99861 44.39 92.3%
queenrita124 81.47 94.2%
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user843630 75.12 96.4%
muxedotask 78.25 91.5%
iriial_ 40.95 86.9%
noobplayer 95.53 95.3%
machinist80 59.95 92.6%