Like Me - Kouta Hirano

This quote ble lagt til av katalyn08
This duel... between us... would you really push it this far-into the realms of lie beyond mortal life? A monster such as myself... a creature of such weakness that I could not bear the weight of a human life... if I am to be defeated, it must be by a human! Don't do it, human. Don't become a monster... a monster like me.

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weesin 5 år, 10 måneder siden
This is a great quote, but there are issues...

In the first sentence, there should be spaces before and after the hyphen

In the first sentence, you have typed "lie" when I believe you meant to type "life"

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elpatrongarcia 84.58 96.7%
rrapattoni 81.88 97.3%
cewial 81.59 96.4%
blunzengroestel 81.39 95.3%
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typin_ 135.18 95.3%
typin_ 159.10 94.4%