Introversion at it's worst - Not important

This quote ble lagt til av kingbubs
Once upon a time, I didn't care about anything. I didn't have any friends or family I loved. I didn't enjoy company. What is wrong with me? Oh yeah that's right I'm an introvert.

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bvw 5 måneder, 3 uker siden
You are the only you there is. Regarding "being an introvert": that is a condition that can change any time, by your own volition or by external events. Why shackle your "being" to any condition like that, so transient and so neutral regarding a benefit or harm. There are times to have friends, times to make friends, times to lose them, and times where one must go down the road alone. It's a great good to one's life to have good friends, and a tax and pestilence--a danger--to have bad ones. Folks change, you change. Good friends are like gold and good medicine. Bad friends are like theifs and poison. Introversion is important for self-growth, extroversion is important to develop for health physical and financial.

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