Everyday-IzzyTyper - Isabelle W.

This quote ble lagt til av izzytyper
Every day has ups and downs, make the downs go up! The downs don't always have to be down, they can also go up, too! Ups and downs are a part of life but try your hardest to leave to the downs behind, and don't let them get to you!

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izzytyper 1 år, 8 måneder siden
I am sorry you all feel this way. I did find the errors and I am sorry about any of those. This quote is basically expressing that you should always make the best out of the worst situation. If something is bad, it can be tough to push through but look at the good in your situation many things will improve. Sorry this is SUPER late, been up to ALOT lately
user294322 5 år, 4 måneder siden
To be honest this quote does not make since to me.
weesin 5 år, 5 måneder siden
Why bother submitting this quote. It is very simple; it doesn't Express any ideas that aren't common knowledge. And if you actually take the time to review your quote, you will find 6 errors

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