Long Quote - Endvisible

This quote ble lagt til av endvisible
This is a long quote. It was typed and submitted purely to aggravate you and all others who come across it. Surely, you will dislike this quote, but have you stopped to think about how many other quotes are this long and annoying? Maybe you'll like this one less because it's wearing its length on its sleeve? Or maybe because of the last sentence, and how it used the different possessive and contractual forms of "it?" Either way, this quote is just as long as most others on KeyHero, so worry not.

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weesin 5 år, 3 måneder siden
That's unnecessarily harsh @Ilamalland. The author was just trying his/her hand at creating an amusing quote - I think it was successful. Personally, I think that as long as a quote is error-free and doesn't contain offensive matter, it's a good quote. And for the record, not everyone hates long quotes - I prefer them over short quotes
llamalland 5 år, 3 måneder siden
This is just as annoying as the short quotes, it takes you out of the groove and makes you aware of what you're typing in a bad way. Get over yourself, you think because you feel like being edgy and self-referential that what you say deserves to be typed?

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