honestly - me the slow typer

This quote ble lagt til av reomix
People disappoint me. No one cares about real connections anymore, and no one is in the slightest, interested in changing their behaviors to be more social or even give a s***. Instead they complain, rant and paint the world around them with the same black paint that they have made in their rooms all alone. Stop being stubborn, and start by mixing your current paint with colors and start talking to the right people and cut out the bad people.

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hiramisu 136.86 97.2%
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kyle_w 104.38 95.3%
npabs 102.54 95.5%
ellxi39 102.31 97.4%
trishadgk 101.43 89.7%
bweeta 100.45 98.7%
shawnsmith91 96.47 95.5%
kindasus 96.20 95.3%
jacqueline1234 94.61 91.6%

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kindasus 96.20 95.3%
falsesu 72.28 97.0%
dante-didit 112.37 98.2%
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gwaldrop 93.03 92.3%
dante-didit 109.45 96.7%
user421490 65.77 89.4%
kwim99 45.13 90.5%