Dawson's Creek - Drue Valentine

This quote ble lagt til av princezzemily12
Must be the Star Wars thing... It's classic. You are obviously Luke to this Pacey guy's Han Solo. So you're the stuff of preteen daydreams, cute, smart, non-threatening. Which is great and all, but not for princess Joey here, who is clearly smack dab in the middle of her bad boy phase.

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tricycline 5 år, 1 måned siden
in the middle of *her* bad boy phase.
weesin 5 år, 1 måned siden
There should be a semi colon after the word 'daydreams' instead of a comma. You've inserted an unnecessary space after the hyphen in 'non- threatening'. You can't start a sentence with 'Which is great and all'. And 'princess' should be capitalized. And you've typed 'here' instead of 'her'

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