The Godfather - Vito Corleone

This quote ble lagt til av jcremeans
"You spend time with your family? Because a man that doesn't spend time with his family can never be a real man. Come on, you look terrible. I want you to rest for awhile and in a month from now this Hollywood big shot is going to give you what you want."-Vito Corleone "It's too late, they start shooting in a week."- Johnny Fontane "I'm gonna to make him an offer he can't refuse."-Vito Corleone.

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weesin 5 år siden
just click into your quote, make the changes and then hit the "edit" button. You can't request that an edit by made through comments - you have to edit it yourself
jcremeans 5 år siden
I need to quote to be changed at the part of the quote where Vito Corleone says Johnny needs to rest and in a month for now. I need that part changed to Johnny needs to rest "and in a month from now."

I mistakenly typed for rather than from, so if I could get that change, I would appreciate it. Thanks.
weesin 5 år siden
You typed 'in a month for now' when I think you meant to type 'in a month from now'

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