Puzzled Advice - Davis

This quote ble lagt til av browndavis08
To often when I give advice, people feel like they have been given the complete answer to their problem. That they have heard me and now their problems are solved. When in reality I have maybe given them half of it. Advice is more like a puzzle scattered on a table than a strait up answer. I've started it, but you have to be the one to pick up the pieces and work at it. I'm just here to guide you which piece is the best to start with.

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weesin 5 år siden
No worries. It happens to us all. Just wanted to let you know so that you could make the appropriate edits
browndavis08 5 år siden
Thanks for letting me know! I typed this early in the morning so I don't think I was fully awake yet lol
weesin 5 år siden
There are punctuation errors and incomplete sentences and awkward wording. And you've typed 'to' instead of 'too'. And you've typed 'strait' instead of 'straight'.

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