After We Fell - Anna Todd

This quote ble lagt til av user498620
The worst part of being okay is that okay is far from happy. Okay is the gray space in the middle where you can wake up each day and carry on with your life, even laugh and smile often, but okay isn't joy. Okay isn't looking forward to each second of your day, and okay isn't getting the most out of life. Being okay is what most people settle for, myself included, and we pretend that okay is fine, when we actually hate it; we spend the majority of our time waiting to break out of just being okay.

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maxwellsdad 3 år, 2 måneder siden
I can't edit this for some reason, but it's "the majority". There's a "the" missing.
divine_. 4 år, 2 måneder siden
so my guess is don't be okay? okay...

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