what you're typing - the people who type

This quote ble lagt til av asian_dood
As you are seeing this text, you're automatically typing it because your brain tells you to. Ever thought of that? It's kind of odd how your brain just decides to type out this text you are reading right now, without you even attempting to think about it, unless you can't touch type. Did you come here just to practice typing, or did you come here for something else? The meaning of life? Self-success? Well, you came here for a reason, but that doesn't mean I know it.

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Navn WPM Nøyaktighet
user871724 162.33 98.1%
feuv 152.70 99.6%
typin_ 150.03 96.1%
mr_snow 125.58 98.9%
geryjs 104.89 95.3%
nathanbyers 101.79 93.9%
clonedcow 95.46 96.5%
user830398 93.47 97.9%
user104405 92.32 98.9%
user89300 91.24 92.5%

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Navn WPM Nøyaktighet
user89300 91.24 92.5%
ho5hi_kwons 32.06 80.7%
strosekd 86.66 93.6%
typehero 28.93 93.4%
user108034 26.58 93.1%
darlenedm 51.28 90.6%
maheem 78.68 97.7%
typin_ 150.03 96.1%