Social Distancing - Anonymous

This quote ble lagt til av tedwom
Social distancing is not a suggestion. Social distancing is in place so that the coronavirus doesn't spread more than it already has. This pandemic is serious, and people need to treat it as such. The president is not doing anything to help the situation, but YOU CAN. You can practice social distancing, stay home, and wash your hands. This all will contribute to the end of this pandemic.

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simplysam_03 1 måned, 2 uker siden
Anyone want to circle back to this now?
I still look back an cannot believe that we allowed to be treated like sheep, and that people fell for such nonsense. Our government lies to us regularly, the truth comes out, and people go, "Oh well, that's the past" and continue on with some other distraction.
jmnjmn 4 år, 5 måneder siden
Social distancing is a good idea and washing hands often and thoroughly is of paramount importance.
Folks staying home all of the time will cause a recession the likes of which the world has not seen. causing human suffering, fear and depression. Watch the collapse of society. Say goodbye to sporting events; live music; traveling and quality of life in general. Say hello to the end of life as we know it.
Without commerce, the country will perish, and indeed the world.

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