JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Golden Wind - Hirohiko Araki

This quote ble lagt til av timmythetrtl
I'm not just after the result. When all you want is the result, you start to look for shortcuts. And if you take that shortcut, you might lose sight of the truth. You'll become less motivated. I think the most important thing is the will to find the truth.

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weiahe 4 år, 2 måneder siden
wow the score distribution is really high

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Navn WPM Nøyaktighet
user871724 195.36 99.2%
shariqueahmer 176.25 99.2%
highhonedjazzyaudio 169.89 97.0%
venerated 165.54 100%
rezai 162.03 100%
typin_ 158.59 95.5%
vjsong02 154.90 96.2%
restspeaker 154.54 100%
practicebutt69 152.18 99.6%
user697099 149.78 95.9%

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slaughtermelon 88.37 97.7%
user111810 52.59 98.1%
geryjs 128.21 98.1%
s20037797 86.45 95.2%
tbillington 69.35 99.2%
stubbornlearner 51.09 99.2%
sarynbek 75.16 93.1%
sylvestris 69.38 97.3%