annoyed - anonymous

This quote ble lagt til av jscribner2000
Am I the only one who has bad typing days? Like, most days I type 90-115 wpm at 98%+ accuracy. Then, randomly, I'll have a day where I can't break 80 wpm and my accuracy is laughable. I don't know what causes it or why it happens. I like to start my day with some typing practice and times like that put a real downer on my day. I usually just have to stop and come back the next day or I will get too frustrated.

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kraus168 4 år siden
i believe the point of his comment was to ridicule the person complaining about how bad his performance is although his performance is much better than most people
cars_corner_dvorak 4 år, 1 måned siden
I'm trying to learn a new keyboard layout and theres days when i can fly through but some days i only find my hands going back to the qwerty keys, slowing me way down
mumma 4 år, 1 måned siden
seriously bvw - what is the point of your comment?
bvw 4 år, 1 måned siden
I have days like this, where normally I type, oh around, 1,200 to 1,537 wpm, or so, but then some bad hair days I can only hobble by at 721 to 843 wpm and only 99.9975% accuracy. It's SO depressing.
divine_. 4 år, 2 måneder siden
you are not alone in this buddy. right now i am having a decent day. but there are days where i can consistently hit 120 and above and then there are days where i hit 100 on average and other days where im doing 110 so i understand you
user546595 4 år, 3 måneder siden
No. I have days where it's like I'm doing great for a little while and then all of a sudden my accuracy and speed go to shit. I don't think you're alone in this.

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