
This quote ble lagt til av kraus168
The site told me to add a quote, so I tried my best to do it the laziest way: by googling "famous quotes". But they were all already added. This sentence is only here to meet the 150 character requirement.

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mumma 4 år siden
typing "sitw" wasn't the only error. You need to edit "i" to "I". Why do people find it so difficult to edit their quotes prior to submitting them?
not_that_great 4 år siden
this quote is so lazy, i love it, just edit "The sitw" to "The site" and i will rate it as a good quote.

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pseudomonas0000 58.40 95.7%
vikram_sawlani 48.42 96.7%

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Navn WPM Nøyaktighet
vikram_sawlani 48.42 96.7%
pseudomonas0000 58.40 95.7%