The Overdue Life of Amy Byler - Kelly Harms

This quote ble lagt til av typing_zombie
I immediately think of the Christmas I caved and brought home a gaming system for my kids. Joe wanted to play a driving-simulation game. I was terrible and I kept crashing into various obstacles like I was drunk. Finally, Joe grabbed me by the shoulders from the rightward lean I was in and said, "Mom, steer with the controller, not your body." Now, I realize I have been driving my life with my body. Trying somehow to carry my worries and sorrows and insecurities on my shoulders.

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kxenia 2 år, 6 måneder siden
what the f*ck.
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highhonedjazzyaudio 151.97 96.2%
user871724 145.58 93.6%
jiggalee 140.18 95.5%
venerated 131.32 99.2%
hackertyper492 127.09 95.6%
strikeemblem 125.59 98.2%
feuv 124.66 97.8%
marchtoglory 120.46 96.8%
seantype2510 119.59 98.4%
srm 118.76 95.7%

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falsesu 71.39 98.2%
ak5345 65.01 96.4%
beefybread 89.29 91.4%
beetle803 45.42 90.2%
tschrepel 78.49 97.0%
flajoy 45.80 91.5%
rayk 110.15 95.1%
bellasmom 73.21 95.5%