Larceny - Fuller

This quote ble lagt til av fuller
Larceny is committed by a person who, without the consent of the owner, fraudulently and without a claim of right made in good faith, takes and carries away anything capable of being stolen with intent, at the time of such taking, permanently to deprive the owner thereof.

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k8thegr81 118.64 99.6%
harrypotter_hermione 115.86 97.8%
maxwellsdad 109.85 96.1%
typist_type 104.50 95.8%
matthewpiring03 104.03 98.9%
jgdude 100.73 95.4%
liluglymane 100.37 93.2%
algo 98.37 93.2%
singingnickel23 96.94 95.8%
eggg04 94.41 96.5%

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user105219 73.52 94.4%
thecrazydane2 63.50 88.4%
john_smith 73.58 98.2%
markbrull 69.71 98.9%
user830398 87.09 99.3%
krimmit13 36.16 89.8%
clickclackm00 66.77 89.5%
mohd_talib 59.11 95.4%