Some Advice - A Random Person On The Internet

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Don't get involved in an internet argument. I don't care what the cause is or how wrong they are, it's just not worth it. Chances are they won't listen anyway, so why bother? It'll ruin your day and theirs. And if they're wrong about something important, I'm sure they'll find out soon enough.

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marchtoglory 1 år, 1 måned siden
I don't get how it's worth the energy for some people. There's too much trash on the internet to get mad at all of it, so why?
localbisexual 2 år, 3 måneder siden
I like arguing with people on the internet not to change their minds, but to show other people reading the comments what the argument would be against them. so then if they ever come across someone in real life who's trying to argue the wrong way, then they'll have my argument to fall back to. i don't argue for the person i'm arguing with, i argue for everyone looking back at it.
sstruck007 2 år, 4 måneder siden
But if they're spreading misinformation that makes it dangerous to other people, why not tell them they're wrong?

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