Gravatar -

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Gravatar is tightly connected to your email address. Once you register a free account with Gravatar, the service will let you upload a picture that you want to use as your avatar. Whether it's your actual photograph or an icon you just happen to like, this image will represent you on all sites that use the service. You may leave comments on other WordPress sites with your new avatar, write guest blogs, and have the picture shown on your own blog, of course.

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promethes 2 år, 3 måneder siden
like just let me add the avatar for this specific site I don't need an interconnected service for my stupid profile picture
smokemifugottem 3 år, 6 måneder siden
Gravatar is weird. I'm pretty sure this is like the only site that uses it lol

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hackertyper492 144.49 97.7%
jiggalee 144.02 97.7%
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penguino_beano 124.33 93.1%
venerated 120.18 95.9%
strikeemblem 119.52 98.1%
mafuso 117.53 98.7%
rivendellis 117.37 96.2%
iltranscendent 115.96 96.6%

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swag880 54.92 93.7% 13.74 94.3%
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rumi_25 68.19 95.6%
astrid17 79.52 97.3%
petrolfume 93.39 94.9%
lsrnsn 46.18 95.8%