Veronica Ray

This quote ble lagt til av angelagarcia
We may miss a great deal of joy because we expect it to be unusual, dramatic, and spectacular. We are waiting for lights to flash and bells to ring. But the truth is that joy is here, right now, waiting for us to notice it.

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Navn WPM Nøyaktighet
eventlogging 170.00 100%
fuzz 146.27 99.1%
nightdevil 144.01 99.1%
llanowan 130.73 99.6%
grid 130.18 100%
vmlm 126.61 99.1%
ilovejujubee 126.00 97.4%
sokend 123.59 99.1%
jdaugh84 120.56 100%
strikeemblem 116.55 95.0%

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maadj 70.46 91.0%
donoshea 79.57 90.7%
joshsalita30 61.94 95.3%
thecrazydane2 65.10 90.7%
machinist80 65.11 90.3%
cattype123 62.67 95.7%
user80750 98.62 96.5%
maadj 70.73 91.0%