Learning - A college professor

This quote ble lagt til av yamouzinee
I take a different approach to assignments than most - if you do not successfully complete an assignment, then I will give you feedback, and let you know where you need to improve. You may then re-submit the assignment to be re-graded. I do not typically take off points for lateness. My reasoning is this - what I want you to do is learn the material. I am not especially concerned about when during the course you learn the material.

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user871724 173.49 98.6%
69buttpractice 144.25 99.8%
user491757 143.69 98.4%
rezai 143.64 98.0%
penguino_beano 140.72 99.3%
venerated 132.29 98.0%
user64764 132.02 95.2%
thorgott2 131.93 97.8%
hackertyper492 127.84 94.0%
vmlm 125.89 98.4%

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user108469 46.92 90.3%
machinist80 54.77 88.1%
user843630 89.20 96.5%
user107829 46.62 91.8%
user707269 70.32 95.8%
slaughtermelon 78.24 96.0%
hellawildtyper 74.43 95.8%
user949982 92.65 98.6%