Punctuation - Julianne Garcia

This quote ble lagt til av jggarcia
Sometimes when I do these typing tests, I come across really nice ones. Ones that make me so proud of myself and eager to keep typing. But why hasn't anyone made it harder by just typing a complicated word over and over again? Like punctuation. Punctuation, punctuation, punctuation, punctuation... Sorry, I just had to!

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closedspace808 3 år, 1 måned siden
I like this quote. Haters gonna hate.
smokemifugottem 3 år, 3 måneder siden
This quote will be massacred. Sorry to say. Users on this site like only established quotes. Any original quotes, or quotes with no substance other than trying to be something challenging to type, even if they are well done and actually challenging, are always panned lol.

Personally I don't really like this one... but I will give you a happy face because it's probably the only one you'll get.

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alino 119.79 97.6%
lirich90 111.58 98.2%
user74975 108.56 98.8%
bkpark 107.67 99.1%
strikeemblem 107.36 94.4%
closedspace808 101.65 98.2%
roops 100.49 97.3%
cactusgod 99.73 93.5%
mafuso 99.43 96.7%
wonderworm 95.72 91.7%

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fallenrav 87.52 97.0%
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ibgeezee 45.20 93.6%
user94373 62.50 96.4%
user69750 48.30 93.3%