Something to Ponder - Part 1 - Lauren

This quote ble lagt til av laurenbickert83
The Lost Boys come to Neverland - to Peter - from the normal world, right? Taken from our realm, they travel with Peter Pan or Tinkerbell or other fairies perhaps. Are they stolen? Kidnapped? Enticed to leave on their own accord with promises of adventure and a parentless existence? Perhaps they were even rescued from starving in streets and alleys. Missing children are hardly a novelty and thinking of them alive and well and living in Neverland is far better than the alternative, right?

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shahshahshah 1 år, 11 måneder siden
But isn't a very wide spread theory that Neverland represents the afterworld... so the children aren't alive, are they?
fartchili 2 år, 11 måneder siden
It says right in the book that the lost boys are babies who fall out of their perambulators. It's probably a metaphor for children who die as babies.

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