I've Got to Say it - Whatever my user name is

This quote ble lagt til av user203218
I've got to say it; if you visit this website and start complaining about not liking the quotes that have been contributed, please go to a different site. We here at Keyhero appreciate the bright minds that contribute quotes, especially if they're original quotes. Go be boring elsewhere. That is all.

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Navn WPM Nøyaktighet
mentalist 124.80 98.7%
topskies 107.09 93.5%
npabs 105.03 97.4%
risetoile 96.97 95.3%
vivalasgaygas 93.98 98.0%
magesh 86.50 95.0%
bbuell01 85.75 89.7%
kelseanassif 84.20 97.4%
nimbus 75.48 94.4%
breadmaker2020 62.49 94.1%

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Navn WPM Nøyaktighet
hiphopapotamus 57.96 88.9%
cwnichols81 57.37 98.4%
tengugod 55.27 86%
magesh 86.50 95.0%
npabs 105.03 97.4%
user107386 54.03 90.4%
mentalist 124.80 98.7%
topskies 107.09 93.5%