William Bennett

This quote ble lagt til av ibcnunabit
In 1940, teachers were asked what they regarded as the three major problems in American schools. They identified the three major problems as: littering, noise and chewing gum. Teachers last year were asked what the three major problems in American schools were, and they defined them as: rape, assault and suicide.

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teilo 10 år, 6 måneder siden
Nonsense, kurtweill. No one is claiming that rape, assault, and suicide were non-existent in 1940. But they are certainly a vastly greater problem today than they were then. Notice that the statistic is not what the press reported as the major problems, but what the teachers themselves reported.
kurtweill 11 år, 10 måneder siden
Fearmongering. What changed, in the end, was the press.

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