college - anonymous

This quote ble lagt til av strawberrymatchamochiicecream
Why is everything you have ever worked for sum up to whether you make it into a good college or not? I consistently stress about everything I feel like I have poured my life down the drain, everything feels so pointless. I need to write multiple college essays, get a good score, a great GPA, and have people skills and community input. Why do they sum up our life with these statistics and a few written words of experiences.

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memgo 1 år siden
It all seems super important to you right now but in the long run it doesn't matter at all so don't stress it too much.
chenille 1 år, 2 måneder siden
If people slack their way into good education, they'll find they're out of their depth once they get there.
bobwizard67 1 år, 2 måneder siden
do you want people who worked hard and have good work ethic, people who earned it, or people who cheated or slacked their way into good education
bobwizard67 1 år, 2 måneder siden
uh no you want dumb people in school or smart people in school which makes sense
chenille 1 år, 2 måneder siden
Why do they have to be selective at all? If students don't succeed, that's their problem.
bobwizard67 1 år, 2 måneder siden
if they dont sum of your life with statistics how are they suppose to choose the students who are going to excel and succeed versus the ones who wont
rightclickman 1 år, 6 måneder siden
Schmoley, I gotta practice writing the word 'statistics' a few more times.
user381979 1 år, 10 måneder siden
No matter how you try hard there must be complication but the best way to over come them it's by ignorying them

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