Anon-Are you happy? - A fellow bored man

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Can you genuinely say you're happy? It seems like an easy answer but you'd be surprised how many people can't say for certain. One day you're happy, another you're not. It makes sense that you aren't constantly happy. But what about in general? Are you enjoying yourself right now? Typing? I'd say that if you wake up happy then that is enough.

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leology 1 år, 6 måneder siden
For the first time I feel like the answer might be yes.... If I'd read this 6mo ago I would've had to fight back tears. Or maybe I would've hit esc. and stopped reading after the first question. Now I feel peaceful and mindful enough to say I am happy. Not perfect, not always happy, but always improving.
Point is, I think maybe They were right that it gets better. And don't be afraid of medication and/or therapy. I needed both.
i_hate_myself 1 år, 10 måneder siden
No. No, I am not. I am not satisfied with myself or what I accomplish. I simply need help; a ton of help.

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