My Geography Syllabus - Anonymous

This quote ble lagt til av leology
In this course, you'll learn about these relations across the world. The course provides information about these connections, whether they're in the physical environment, cultural or economic sectors, or anywhere else. After all, that's the whole idea of the First Law of Geography: learning about these important connections - including their origins, their effects, and their long-term impacts.

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typin_ 154.65 91.9%
user871724 150.72 92.1%
user491757 138.15 97.8%
feuv 133.76 97.5%
forkhunter 131.00 98.0%
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user109573 52.24 97.5%
ldybeast05 75.42 93.4%
typin_ 154.65 91.9%
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user468593 72.22 95.7%
dwllbe 44.77 90.2%
ksnelling 34.47 92.7%
mohd_talib 50.97 94.1%