Highway to Heaven - Neo Culture Technology 127

This quote ble lagt til av jessicadr818
Baby, you a bad girl, watch your mouth. When I'm with you it's a vibe. Baby I can't lie. Hit my line, anytime. Girl, I wanna make you mine, spend some time. We'll take the highway to heaven, and I can't wait to love you all alone. We'll take the highway to heaven on the 101, let's see just where it goes.

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jessicadr818 80.80 96.8%

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Navn WPM Nøyaktighet
jessicadr818 77.33 97.5%
jessicadr818 72.64 93.0%
jessicadr818 75.92 96.8%
jessicadr818 80.80 96.8%
jessicadr818 72.44 95.0%
jessicadr818 72.85 95.0%
jessicadr818 65.92 92.4%