Flow - Timothy

This quote ble lagt til av tamatotodile
There are days when I can't get into the flow of typing. I get bothered by each small mistake I made, I notice that I lag in deleting the characters, I linger on them just a second longer than I normally would. There are also days where everything seems to just click in place. My mind doesn't care that I made a mistake, doesn't complain that I made a mistake; it anticipates mistakes, accepts it as part of typing, and moves on. Some days the mind is like still water, you can see to the bottom.

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trishadgk 109.40 95.9%
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geryjs 100.85 93.4%
chiaki357 100.67 95.6%
cholloway526 100.35 97.5%
user90997 98.00 95.6%
derpqwerty 96.65 98.0%
mythnus 95.82 95.0%
user108043 95.67 91.2%

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kyle_w 102.47 95.8%
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tempanite 61.94 85.4%
tuyo 42.01 89.9%
ratshitrawlins 62.30 94.7%
xdxdlocke 76.39 93.1%