Quotes - Anonymous

This quote ble lagt til av user292247
I'm increasingly annoyed with the vapidity of the quotes on this forum. It seems as though all the other people practicing their typing are teenage boys into sci-fi adventure stories or fantasy. Either that, or people who believe in sappy, self-help platitudes. What about using this opportunity to face the truth - that life is brutal and full of suffering?

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Navn WPM Nøyaktighet
mentalist 113.91 99.4%
user830398 80.41 95.0%
zeravla708 79.58 97.0%
somerandomppl 79.32 94.5%
user106120 77.92 91.1%
user468593 71.63 93.2%
swatkhan 60.95 94.2%
spelling_error 54.18 96.5%
user292247 44.62 93.0%
faizullah 40.91 97.8%

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Navn WPM Nøyaktighet
user106120 77.92 91.1%
somerandomppl 79.32 94.5%
user468593 71.63 93.2%
user292247 44.62 93.0%
mentalist 113.91 99.4%
zeravla708 79.58 97.0%
faizullah 40.91 97.8%
user830398 80.41 95.0%