Typing Everyday - MariChristine

This quote ble lagt til av cam0914
I am checking out my typing skills using different document platforms. I need to practice my typing skills, which is how I found this site. At the same time, I am also giving my word expansion software a test drive as well. Using different typing websites, it sometimes works well together, and other times not so much. It all depends on the website and how they count the letters during a typing test. Is the spacing or capitals software synced up alright? Once that is done, I can begin to type.

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Navn WPM Nøyaktighet
kicko 103.90 94.7%
user108043 99.05 95.6%
lpm14 93.18 95.2%
donoshea 84.74 92.7%
user86496 79.22 98.0%
user292247 54.10 95.9%
dulcitius 51.75 94.3%

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Navn WPM Nøyaktighet
user292247 54.10 95.9%
kicko 103.90 94.7%
donoshea 84.74 92.7%
dulcitius 51.75 94.3%
lpm14 93.18 95.2%
user86496 79.22 98.0%
user108043 99.05 95.6%