Why People Don't Like To Believe in God - anonymous

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I think that the reason people don't believe in God is because it gives them a sense of responsibility. If there is a God, then what you do matters. Which means you cannot do as you please. Being as people like to do whatever they want, it is easier not to believe.

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afbwelter 10 år siden
That's total bullshit. I understand that because there isn't a god, I have to live my life to the fullest and be as kind as I possibly can to everyone I encounter. Since this life is all that we have, I feel that I must do my best to make my life as enjoyable as possible, and to help others enjoy their own lives as well.
maartenfb 10 år, 5 måneder siden
owww, this religion stuff is soo boring. I don't need fairytales to know or do what's wrong or right.
kaikaikaikaikai 10 år, 6 måneder siden
Cause not believing in god somehow doesn't make you responsible for your actions... right... typical theistic bullshit.
olivm 11 år, 9 måneder siden
I'm glad there are a chosen few who can carry the burden of not doing what they want, at least someone is going to heaven.
dave1997 11 år, 10 måneder siden
I think that the reason people don't believe in God is because it gives them a sense of responsibility. If there is a God, then what you do matters. Which means you cannot do as you please. Being as people like to do whatever they want, it is easier not to believe

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