Hope this is helpful - me myself and I

This quote ble lagt til av sheilafleming
Read the word in your head slowly as you type it, and try to look at each part of the word as you type it (it's surprising how often you scan ahead and end up looking at the next word while you're still typing the previous one - disaster); and don't just do the classic typing test - do the instant death test too. Both slowing down and focussing as well as forcing yourself to go faster will get you to the scores you dream of.

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Navn WPM Nøyaktighet
sheilafleming 82.71 99.1%
delphisdaughter 60.05 96.2%
user292247 52.83 97.3%

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Navn WPM Nøyaktighet
sheilafleming 82.71 99.1%
delphisdaughter 60.05 96.2%
user292247 52.83 97.3%