Touching Grass? - Timothy

This quote ble lagt til av tjapit
Why touch grass when you can sit in front of the computer and do typing tests? Why touch grass when you can sit in front of the computer and program something cool? Sitting in front of the computer isn't necessarily bad, it gets a bad rep these days but only because some of us do it too much. Get up, take a walk, look at something faraway to rest your eyes. But hey, it's okay to sit in front of the computer. I'll allow it.

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Beste resultater for dette typing test

Navn WPM Nøyaktighet
ariellealtman 71.73 94.3%
gotwood248 70.76 96.2%
killacleve 60.12 94.5%
ammar_trying_to_write 44.72 96.4%
theaps 28.79 95.3%

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Navn WPM Nøyaktighet
gotwood248 70.76 96.2%
ariellealtman 71.73 94.3%
killacleve 60.12 94.5%
theaps 28.79 95.3%
ammar_trying_to_write 44.72 96.4%