Systems Thinking - based on a course I am studying

This quote ble lagt til av inferno36
Systems thinking is a way to look at the world and understand how everything is interconnected. It is also about the idea of thinking about thinking. You get to know the mental models that you have built, how your actions are defined by your assumptions and beliefs, and so much more. If you have time, do comment with the place you are typing from, because I am really curious about the scope of this website. We are after all being connected by a shared interest in typing.

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Navn WPM Nøyaktighet
charlottehci 87.67 95%
tz13 73.59 92.6%
suziecue 71.77 97.7%
punit7287 70.08 96.0%
user811721 49.03 89.6%
wengsky1020 29.04 94.1%

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Navn WPM Nøyaktighet
punit7287 70.08 96.0%
tz13 73.59 92.6%
wengsky1020 29.04 94.1%
charlottehci 87.67 95%
suziecue 71.77 97.7%
user811721 49.03 89.6%