Time - Freaky Cuh!

This quote ble lagt til av cuh
It is interesting to think that everything we know about ourselves and about others is in the form of memories. Going about life knowing that all that life really is is, well, memories is a good way to make the most out of every interaction you find yourself in. This is also a good way to begin to realize that maybe even those most minute interactions you find yourself having everyday could lead to the most meaningful memory you have ever had. Think about that!

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Navn WPM Nøyaktighet
cuh 132.77 96.5%
marco4n4 99.60 94.5%
gratifiedqualms 56.45 95.3%
doortonowhere 51.69 87.4%
user109145 44.47 84.0%

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Navn WPM Nøyaktighet
user109145 44.47 84.0%
gratifiedqualms 56.45 95.3%
doortonowhere 51.69 87.4%
marco4n4 99.60 94.5%
cuh 132.77 96.5%