3 mistkes - Chetan Bhagat

This quote ble lagt til av vivekchandra
I entered the room the nurses had led me to. The eerie silence and the darkness made my footsteps sound loud. Ten different instruments beeped and LED lights flickered at regular intervals. Cables from the instruments disappeared into the man I had travelled thousands of miles.

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teilo 10 år, 6 måneder siden
thousands of miles..... to what?

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eventlogging 170.00 100%
katrien 127.79 98.2%
kunc 123.44 98.2%
samuraininja 121.25 95.5%
thomaspynchon 120.61 100%
aloneagainor 117.56 96.9%
d3mn8 114.80 99.6%
andrejbugarinovic 113.20 97.6%
bmcgoo 113.17 98.9%
overkillhsc 112.32 98.6%

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cewial 79.56 95.9%
nathanbyers 85.57 91.6%
theking 86.72 93.0%
clickclackm00 86.34 92.7%
sheilafleming 72.54 99.3%
user108640 44.26 94.6%
yoko 63.71 90.6%
alcuin 52.53 95.2%