Bond -

This quote ble lagt til av user34857
my hair was by no means soft and everyday it meant a regular struggle with the brush to keep it in position. Each time the hat was put on and off, the hand would automatically move towards the head to adjust the hair, not to mention the other civilized habit of the hand every now and then operating for the same purpose when sitting in polished society.

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eventlogging 170.00 100%
jiggalee 129.73 91.7%
strikeemblem 124.49 95.9%
netramz 107.73 92.5%
jacqueline1234 99.89 95.2%
greenkat006 98.98 95.7%
user972527 94.09 98.3%
shaikkamarul 90.56 98.9%
peepeepoopoo6969 90.47 95.2%
user78528 89.78 91.7%

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Navn WPM Nøyaktighet
jnorwood22 71.09 94.9%
donoshea 86.28 91.2%
jiggalee 129.73 91.7%
netramz 107.73 92.5%
pc8598 60.16 93.7%
user79004 77.49 94.9%
yousseff 47.46 91.1%
userysh 73.08 97.3%