
This quote ble lagt til av dela.mill
A hundred years from now it won't matter the sort of house you lived in, what your bank account was, or the car you drove. But the world may be different because you were important in the life of the animals and creatures on this Earth.

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ivana. 7 år, 3 måneder siden
This is a good quote. I would not focus on Humans because of the fact that most humans don't care about so why focus on them? When i get older i will put all my time and energy on animals... better than giving my time the the humans who do not care about me or anyone else but themselves
user809700 7 år, 3 måneder siden
i was expecting being close and nice to people around me... than all of a sudden you hit me with animals? damn...
teilo 11 år, 2 måneder siden
The animals and creatures on this earth will not remember you a hundred years from now. Men, however will. If you want to leave your mark on the world, focus on your fellow human beings. They need more help than the animals.
vmlm 11 år, 6 måneder siden
Actually... depending on the hose you own, the amount of money you have and the car you drove, you had greater or lesser opportunities for survival, procreation and personal or family development. Your children might grow up a certain way, you might attract a different spouse, you may have time for a project that you couldn't do otherwise...
All of these will have an impact, albeit a small one, on the future of society..

Meanwhile. throwing a starfish into the ocean will probably accomplish nothing of any meaningful import for society.

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