Chuck Palahniuk

This quote ble lagt til av tippitytap
If you knew that your life was merely a phase or short, short segment of your entire existence, how would you live? Knowing nothing 'real' was at risk, what would you do? You'd live a gigantic, bold, fun, dazzling life. You know you would. That's what the ghosts want us to do - all the exciting things they no longer can.

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user809700 7 år, 2 måneder siden
if i knew that my life was merely a phase or short, short segment of my entire existence, i would just waste my life; that short period of my whole existence is short. and if it's short, whatever i do isn't going to matter after all—no shit is gonna change about the whole of my existence.
user49087 10 år, 8 måneder siden
If you knew that your life was merely a phase or short short segment of your entire existence, how would you live?

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