Opportunity never stops knocking - Harry lorayne

This quote ble lagt til av ahmaduser38
Some are of the opinion that they had their chance, perhaps years ago, to become successful. They feel that once an opportunity has been overlooked or wasted, there is no second chance. Nonsense! There is no allotted number of chances being sparsely handed out, one to a customer. It's only the hordes of failures, who have stopped seeking opportunity after their first chance at it, who have promoted the idea that it knocks only once!

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eventlogging 170.00 100%
user871724 169.04 95.6%
typin_ 165.31 94.4%
tomchu77 126.96 98.9%
ilovejujubee 124.89 97.5%
samuraininja 124.64 95.4%
brainfreezy 116.34 97.5%
jpadtyping 115.30 95.6%
staylor1014 114.67 96.9%
pogface 114.31 96.3%

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shang88 80.98 97.8%
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msonnl 52.62 94.4%
ockock 98.52 95.6%
ninjar32 40.90 96.3%
falsesu 72.42 98.6%
thengis 87.34 94.4%
typin_ 165.31 94.4%