Your Right - Henry Ford

This quote ble lagt til av vipros
"Whether you think you can, or you can't... You're right." This is by Henry Ford, found it to be the words I live by to this day. Greatest thing I've ever heard.

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Quotes should be quotes, without commentary. I don't want to hear or type what people think about the quotes.

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Navn WPM Nøyaktighet
eventlogging 170.00 100%
firefingers1992 126.55 97.0%
gojojogo111 124.79 99.4%
jaesynn 122.32 100%
rhonj 114.42 97.6%
afminto 111.47 98.2%
teilodv 111.03 97.6%
munchkinbug 110.90 98.2%
pearciepi 106.46 99.4%
yagoliz 104.69 98.2%

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Navn WPM Nøyaktighet
francisdatiles4 87.03 94.7%
mkhan3102 61.56 95.3%
jendbibir 87.92 95.8%
pearciepi 106.46 99.4%
soymilk00 68.13 92.5%
thecrazydane2 56.79 83.4%
user99861 43.74 88.0%
slaughtermelon 76.26 99.4%