News Travels Fast - Yeidi Gonzalez

This quote ble lagt til av yaydee
If you can watch me dance to no music and not criticize me, you are a noble human. If you can listen to my rants and not laugh at me, you are a wonderful person. If you can hear me mess up sentences and not think I'm stupid, you are a fair judge. If you can watch my expressions and not think I'm immature, you are a nice friend. If you can help me when I'm in pain, you are a good Samaritan. If you can understand me at any time, you are an amazing confidante.

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user44132 11 år, 1 måned siden
to my rants and not laugh at me, you are a wonderful person. If you can hear me mess up sentences and not think I'm stupid, you are a fair judge. if you can watch my expression and not think I'm immature, you are a nice friend.If you can help me when I'm in pain, you are a good Samaritan.If you can understand me an time, you are amazing confident.

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