This is what I am doing NOW. - Jaideep Singh Kandari

This quote ble lagt til av kandari.jay
This is what I'm doing now. I am still thinking what to write on this quote. I hope the quote is appreciated by all. Apparently, it's not gonna happen because the material I am writing is just useless and it's of no use. Oh! wait a second, yes there is. Some guys, who type very fast, can easily score high points in here. I believe it's a perfect place to score high in typing test. Good Luck!!

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kaikaikaikai 10 år, 3 måneder siden
Maaan, if you don't know what to write, don't!

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Beste resultater for dette typing test

Navn WPM Nøyaktighet
eventlogging 170.00 100%
trishadgk 95.13 91.2%
vmlm 94.21 90.2%
bhojo31 93.14 92.7%
mcgambril 92.60 96.8%
prodigy5723 89.87 98.7%
interpid16 88.05 97.7%
user46762 88.01 96.5%
jwise 82.67 98.5%
takealltheseats 81.83 96.2%

Nylig for

Navn WPM Nøyaktighet
jawed25 35.10 95.6%
mcgambril 92.60 96.8%
heyyy 49.73 86.8%
smartboynaresh 81.40 93.4%
doortonowhere 49.24 91.3%
bhojo31 93.14 92.7%
hetty5 54.92 93.2%
jellyvanessa 79.54 92.7%