More Typing Advice - A Procrastinator

This quote ble lagt til av malevolarky
When you are learning to touch type, consciously try to keep the ends of your fingers inclined downward at all times, and the arch of your hand in a relatively static position. Contorting your hands for each keystroke will slow you down, and increase your injury risk.

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jiggalee 171.26 99.6%
eventlogging 170.00 100%
xmaddockmark 143.17 97.5%
user263163 137.02 96.8%
wolfram 136.44 92.1%
li1cy 132.92 96.4%
slowacidfast 132.01 98.9%
abstractcommodi 129.90 99.3%
sammy123k 129.79 95.4%
blablablaaa 127.98 98.9%

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Navn WPM Nøyaktighet
typeguy02 71.98 89.9%
ilygyu 70.45 97.8%
user110706 59.75 92.1%
nailong 19.11 95.7%
dante-didit 112.67 97.5%
blablablaaa 127.98 98.9%
ratshitrawlins 70.82 95.4%
engl3king06 72.59 91.8%