John Waters

This quote ble lagt til av malevolarky
I'm an irony dealer. But irony is snobbery. If you're really poor in a country where there's famine, is there such a thing as irony? Is anything so bad it's good? Usually irony is for the wealthy. It's snobbism, in a way, because you're saying something is good because it's bad.

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teil0 9 år, 7 måneder siden
Yet another person who does not know what irony is. How ironic.
user50001 10 år, 7 måneder siden
I`m an irony dealer. But irony is snobbery. If you`re really poor in a country where there`s famine, is there such a thing as irony? Is anything so bad it`s good? Usually irony is for the wealthy. It`s sonobbism, in a way, because your`re saying something is good because it`s bad.

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