Advertising - Jef Richards

This quote ble lagt til av shaktimaan
Advertising is the art and sole of capitalism. It captures a moment of time through the lens of commerce, reflecting and affecting our lives, making us laugh and cry, while simultaneously giving traction to the engine that propels this market economy.

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hartseer 6 år, 4 måneder siden
Advertising is NOT the "heart and soul of capitalism." This quote always infuriated me when it came up because it makes no sense as the "heart and soul." The real quote refers to advertising as the "art and sole"-- it's a play on words.
shaktimaan 9 år, 10 måneder siden
Thanks ntdwm2014 :-)
ntdwm2014 9 år, 10 måneder siden
Is it not "heart and soul?" I changed soul for sure...but just wondering.

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