This quote ble lagt til av user57757
Computer is a device that processes information with astonishing speed and accuracy. Computers process information by helping to create it and by displaying it, storing it, reorganizing it, calculating with it, and communicating with other computers.

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Beste resultater for dette typing test

Navn WPM Nøyaktighet
user871724 148.36 88.8%
ilovejujubee 130.76 98.8%
pogface 128.58 96.5%
gary123 125.21 98.4%
coffetypist 124.61 99.2%
user40438 124.14 100%
doesho 124.05 98.4%
svillars 123.13 99.2%
rhoerner 123.04 98.8%
user960677 121.62 96.9%

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Navn WPM Nøyaktighet
user843630 89.11 95.8%
slaughtermelon 77.45 95.4%
user871724 148.36 88.8%
lipglosscool 64.87 91.2%
thecrazydane2 60.35 89.6%
ellxi39 96.70 95.1%
lina2 71.83 97.7%
matrixx 90.33 97.7%